QuarkChain Weekly AMA Summary-06/01/2019

QuarkChain Official
5 min readJun 14, 2019


QuarkChain has been holding its bi-weekly AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Telegram/Wechat groups on Saturday, from 7–8 PM PST. This is the summary for AMA from last week. We are always happy to take questions/comments/suggestions.

Part 1: Marketing Questions

Q1: Bi-weekly report wrote QuarkChain partnered with a Korean Gaming company. What does this partnership entail? Can you give more details on how they will work with QuarkChain?

A: We have signed several MOUs with our Korea partners. They will develop games on top of us. We will release more details as development goes.

Q2: What kind of direction will the company take in this market of uncertainty?

A: We have achieved great scalability, and the next step we enable is to support flexibility- new privacy preserved shard or DApps friendly shard. For the marketing part, we will definitely work closely with community members.

Q3. QuarkChain has many institutional investors and partners, how are they helping build advise Quarkchain?

A. We are closely working with our partners and several projects are ongoing. More details will be released within the range of NDA.

Q4. Quarkchain supported tokens include: tQKC (default token), QBTC, QETH, QAAPL, QTSLA, QI. why not just choose one token to pay the gas fee or something else?

A. Those are all test tokens for test purposes.Unlike ETH, we allow multiple native tokens and pay gas with different tokens. This allows different shards with different token economics!

Q5. With many projects running low on funds and cutting back on staff numbers, does Quarkchain have sufficient funds to continue at current levels in the long term, do you have any plans to increase the amount of staff you employ?

A. We do have sufficient funds for the development for the long term and we keep hiring new talents. In the last 10 months, we grow our team in China from 0 to 10+ people. We are also growing our Korea team, and maybe European soon.

Q6. What is the team in China and South Korea currently working on?

A. They are working on R&D, local businesses/partnership/marketing. The Korean team is working on both marketing ( build local community ) and BD( bring big partners on board )

Part 2: Technical Questions

Q1: In the TPS competition, the speed of over 55K TPS was achieved. Do you feel 100K TPS is achievable in the next 6 months or do you feel the maximum TPS is not a priority?

A: We have interviewed our community members who achieve the top 3 TPS, and they said as long as they have better machines, 100K shouldn’t be a problem.

Q2: As Quarkchain has made it’s code open source do you have any concerns about or protection from copycats?

A. That is a good question. We need help from all community members as we know a lot of projects just copy&paste. One major step is that we have published our technology several months ago, and broadcast the technology to more people. Your help to support education more people of our technology is welcome!

Q3: On the roadmap, it states that QuarkChain Core 2.0 and SmartWallet 2.0 will come out by Q2. How is this development going? Everything still on schedule?

A. We have internally testing Core 2.0, but not yet open source. SmartWallet is our qPocket and it is running very well. You can download qPocket version 3.2 right now from the official website.

Q4. In order to reach the goal that “Maintaining Low Participation Threshold and Decentralization under High Network Load”, QuarkChain uses “cluster”, can you explain more? I did not get the word “cluster”.

A. Cluster is a key way to scale horizontally — we allow a user to run a full node via multiple machines. In addition, in a future implementation, we allow a node running several shards of interest and running the rest of shards as light clients.

Q5. How to tackle ASIC miners?

A. We have developed our ASIC resistant mining algorithms and it is running pretty well (please check our QKchash paper in GitHub). We are also closely watching the technology and adopt new ones.

Q6. Gaming is a great use case for QKC and blockchain in general, why do you see game developers coming to Quarkchain to build their decentralized games when they can also go to Tron or IOST and EOS?

A. According to my experience, there are still a lot of issues of existing platforms. Eg, VM is not carefully designed so the security has a lot of issues. A lot of them are not friendly to Layer2, which is another trend of future games. And they are very hard to evolve. For us, we could adopt a new VM, token economics, or ledger easily. In addition, the new shard could enjoy existing features of other shards such as privacy preserve.

Q7. Are any Ethereum based DApps moving to Quarkchain or planning to in the future?

A. We are working on it, but we have some ambitious plan that makes it much easier.

Q8. Why there are some differences between the shards configuration after the mainnet was launched and the testnet.

A. The major difference is that mainnet doesn’t support double sha2 (bitcoin’s hash algorithms). We remove it because it doesn’t support existing bitcoin miners well.

Q9. Does Quarkchain want to attract bitcoin miners? Is Quarkchain a good competitor to take over Etherum and bitcoin? Will Quarkchain try to merge mines with any other blockchain like Ethereum?

A. I would say all miners in the world so that all miner communities can be united on a single platform. For the second question, It could be a plan as we evolve. The last question, I would say maybe, but the gain is unclear.

Q10. Now that you completed developing sharding, what do you see the next breakthrough in blockchain technology and adoption being and is Quarkchain working to build towards it?

A. Although we complete sharding, there are still several improvements. First, user adoption, especially the concept of sharding. Second, we support PoW+EVM now, but the more different shards with different VM (Virtual Machine) we have, the ledger will be supported. We have a lot of rooms to evolve.

Q11. How do you see the adoption of sharding occurring? Most people don’t understand the basics of transferring bitcoin from wallet to wallet.

A. Just like BTC/BCH/ETC/ETH/EOS etc, with sharding, everything can work together more smoothly

Thanks for reading this summary. QuarkChain always appreciates your support and company.

Website: https://www.quarkchain.io
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